Cost of living While salaries tend to be higher in … Resources: Cities need more resources like food, water, and energy to be feasible. Even country options—or small-town living—have their advantages. Lack of Privacy:  Living in a crowded city is the basic necessity of the urban lifestyle. Only in the parks, you will get to experience greeneries or can carry out physical activities for good health in the city. Cities are the hosts of many big events like festivals, baseball games, music concerts, exhibitions, art openings and many more. The advantages and disadvantages of living in the country Living in the countryside has a lot of advantages, but also many disadvantages. One of the most important advantages of living in a city is transportation services. Title: Advantages/disadvantages of living in the city Author: Unknown Peter Snashall Turning to the other side of the argument, traffic could be one of the major disadvantages of living in a big city. It is much more difficult than life in the suburbs and moves at a very fast pace. It is said that God made the village and human-being made the town. What you want to do is weigh the pros and cons of either option and see where the balance lies when all is said and done. The Dawn of an Urban World. DISADVANTAGES OF LIVING IN CITIES Noisy streets and full of traffics. In the European Union (EU), more priority is given to the use of public transport, which reduces noise and air pollution by the carbon dioxide emissions produced by the use of the private vehicle. • Overcrowding. The city is overpopulated, polluted, noisy, contaminated, filthy and smoky. Due to increasing growth in the population, green spaces will also be reduced due to liveability. Economical Disadvantages. The prices of the commodities are also higher due to the large concentration of people and huge demand. There is the availability of better roads and facilities for transportation in the cities and especially in urban centers. Another reason for noise pollution is the emission of sound from the large factories during their production. One has an easy access to all the amenities of life. There are organizations dedicated to studying development parameters and problems in cities, such as: We use cookies to provide our online service. In Germany, the people living in the city have to use tiles of a particular colour on the roof was determined by the Government. Another downside to urban living is that individuals engage in crime to make money due to the city’s unemployment rate. There are also high levels of pollutionin the city. Also Read: Difference between village life and city life. Opportunities for Jobs: Although there are huge numbers of job opportunities in the city, there are also several people who are competing for a single post. This expresses much of the difference between the two. In this section, we are going to see some of the major disadvantages of living in big cities. 5 disadvantages of living in the city 1- Violence The advent of violence in depressed areas has increased because of unemployment around large cities. This is because the roads of the urban areas are full of cars, buses, taxis, and bikes which increases the overall noise level. However, this problem can be solved by educating the people. In addition, the criminal situation is not good and there is much stress in the city life. Each city has it’s own set of benefits but disadvantages as well. Scarcity of space: Most of the apartments in big cities are generally tiny. Though the majority of months in the city are quite pleasant, many inhabitants have comments to make about the dry desert heat experienced in the region every summer. The EU is educating, promoting and implementing the recycling Through the classification of waste into fully identified waste containers in public places. The conservation of green spaces in the cities is an EU goal, it seeks to carry out projects for the reduction of urban expansion, paving and the loss of natural habitats. They should also promote the development of rural areas for productive and residential use with the feasibility of offering public services and driving harmonious growth in their cities and remote areas. The prices of the commodities are also higher due to the large concentration of people and huge demand. You will always be surrounded by the crowd, whether you want them or not. • Challenges to Infrastructure. Cities are drawcards for the best of everything. Threats to the Environment: Rapid urbanization is straining the basic infrastructure that is coupled with extreme and frequent weather conditions. It can get so bad that it can turn you in to an evil person. You can meet different types of people coming from various cultures and speaking diverse languages. This amenity also attracts many businessmen over here which allows them to flourish their businessas the modes of transport are easil… People living in the city have a hectic lifestyle. As it is known, many people want to go to a big city to find a job but unfortunately it can be really hard because every year the population in these cities is increasing, which means there will be less jobs available. However, in reality it has both advantages and disadvantages. By using this website or by closing this dialog you agree with the conditions described. Also, they cannot cut down any trees on their property without permission from the authorities. Cities have Noise pollution , of the air , Water And soil. This extremely reduces your privacy because of … To do legal fishing, the citizens of Germany have to do hours of fishing classes and then have to pass an exam. Due to huge pressure and workload, people in the urban areas suffer from high stress that leads to depression, Here the demand for housing is more than the supply putting a strain on the infrastructure of the urban setting. Most people living in the city have a very busy lifestyle. 3. So, why is Liverpool’s crime rate on the list of disadvantages with respect to living in the City? Living in a city can be expensive, particularly in larger cities. In this way, waste management is performed with fewer complications. 2. Although the benefits offered are large, but so can be the cost of living. Parking: Parking in the city can be a major problem compared to rural areas. Noise Pollution: Many major metropolitan areas share one thing in common and that is noise pollution and levels. The cities are the oldest form of urbanization, with more than 10 thousand years of antiquity. Traffic Traffic can be a nightmare in the big city. In developing countries, cities lack spaces for people with functional diversity. All the absorbed water evaporates and returns to the atmosphere . They can be defined from a determined number of inhabitants and the square kilometers where they reside. Another disadvantage of city life is traffic congestion.Due to the high number of cars in the city, traffic tends to be an issue especially in peak hours when people are going to work and from work. Bad habits of youth • In the city money is admired and money is … Due to a large number of enterprises, organizations, and factories, there are huge job opportunities. Since you already knew the pros of living in the city, let’s take a close look at the cons. The advent of violence in depressed areas has increased because of unemployment around large cities. Some areas in the urban setting have a paid permit for parking. ➨Cities find it difficult to work across departments and boundaries. Disadvantages The disadvantages includes: • Bad habits of youth. Rural life offer more physical activity and thus eliminates need for gym in most of the cases. Some of the environmental threats that are common in the urban areas are heat waves, epidemics, and tropical cyclones. The daily search, commute and rental expenses will further result in economical disadvantage. Shopping centres are the hotspots of noise pollution. • Traffic jam. Crime: In the city, the rate of crime is higher than in the countryside. High Cost of Living. The environment is full of smoke, dust, garbage, and gases. One is closer to nature and can enjoy more peace and quiet. Copyright ©2013 - 2021 Some Rights Reserved. People living in cities have smaller homes and pay more for them compared to people living in smaller towns. 13. As the inhabitants of the urban areas become more digitalised, there is an emergency to prevent any social division due to technological advancements. You may have to park your car a few blocks away from the destination in the street. Some Advantages and disadvantages of living in the city Can be easy access to public services or contamination , Respectively. • Stress. Recovered from: Cities lack technology related skills and capacity. Waste disposal and solid waste management are added disadvantage of a big city. These can be grouped as economical, environmental, lifestyle, transportation & job related cons of city life. There are hardly any parks and open spaces where one can breathe fresh air. Living in the city has many advantages, so does living in a suburban home. Land ownership should be encouraged and a housing rental market should be active. Bottino, R. (2009). Green spaces need to be managed in a strategy that implies urban competition policy requirements. There is too much noise, traffic and too much garbage. High Rent & Expensive Real Estate: Need and willingness to live in urban areas has brought a large number of people to the city. Additionally, city centers are the places where all the business, educational, official and trade activity centers are located. The problems can be common such as high pollution level, traffic congestions, high cost of living, crime rates or exceptionally high real estate prices etc. There is lack of green spaces and the overall urban lifestyle leaves individuals with little or no time to exercise. There are many advantages to big city living, and of course, there are some disadvantages that come and go. This population is almost 230 times more than in the USA. Consider an example of any well know or major city like New York, London, Beijing, New Delhi, Seoul and you will be able to recall news which highlights the problem of these cities. Pollution: Big city life cannot be discussed without mentioning about pollution. You have to weigh the consequences of both the positive and negative aspects of urban life and make up your mind about moving to the metropolitan setting. Sport, live music, theatre, the best new restaurants and bars. Disadvantages of Living in Las Vegas 1. Traffic: Traffic is the biggest nightmare in the city and especially in central business district/ central area. At the regional level, the European Commission (EC), Economic Commission for Latin America (ECLAC) and Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). Many people take the car everyday and it has also been proved that the majority of the families have at least two cars.