Swati Nakshatra. Tomorrow, Saturn in Scorpio. As per Nakshatra horoscope 2021, you are advised to be….Read More. Having said that great celebrities including Amitabh Bachchan, M. K Gandhi, Jimmy Carter among others are born in this nakshatra. SWATI NAKSHATRA 2018 PREDICTIONS. Swati nakshatra Pada 4: The fourth pada of the nakshatra falls in Pisces Navamsa ruled by Jupiter. Moon stays in one Nakshatra for one day. QUOTATION from Dennis Harness. Kalaprakashika is the standard ancient text which forms the base of the study of Nakshatras, In mythology the Nakshatras are considered to be the 27 daughters of Daksha Prajipat, the Cosmic … Swati nakshatra is 15 th among 27 nakshatras. A major part of this nakshatra is demarcated by law, fiancé and sexuality. This nakshatra is the balancing pivot of the zodiac in the sense that it is the middle most nakshatra, with thirteen nakshatras on either side. Our subject is Rahu, shadow planet and its role in Swati Nakshatra. This is Vargottama position for Saturn hence expect general good results. When a planet occupies its moolatrikona range it produces strong beneficial effect. The seven planets and the nodes of the moon have the rulership assigned to each Nakshatram. All four quarters of Swati fall in Libra. Swathi (6.40-20.00 Libra) is the central constellation ruled by Vayu, the God of the Wind. 00 - 03˚. Swati natives become good spiritual advisors and even Astrologers in later part of their life (after 30 years). And Saturn can bring much-needed discipline, persistence, strategy and structure to Swati Nakshatra. Swati is ruled by Vayu, the God of Wind.Thus this Nakshatra is concerned with air, wind, breeze or knowledge of sky since sky is the abode of air. This nakshatra is dominated by the Mithuna rashi. Swati nakshatra Pada 3: The third pada of the nakshatra falls in Aquarius Navamsa ruled by Saturn. The pada embodies materialism. Saturn enters Shravana Nakshatra on 21st Jan, 2021 09:35 pm Saturn starts moving retrograde in Capricorn on 23rd May, 2021 03:06 pm Movement change at : 289.37 Saturn has to do more with what is the NATURE of the NAKSHATRA. Our Free Tool ‘Nakshatra Finder’ is simple and easy-to-use to find your birth star (Janma Nakshatra) by simply entering your birth time and place. marital life between February to May. If Saturn is in Swati Nakshatra, then Swati's lord Rahu will impact Saturn's result. Devata (Deity) - Vayu. Saturn reaches his highest exaltation in Swati. Birth star/ Nakshatra: Swati. Swati or Swathi Nakshatra. It relates to the breeze, wind, and elimination of negativity. Padas or Quarters The first pada falls on the Sagittarius Navamsa which is ruled by Jupiter. In addition, if Saturn is well placed in a person’s horoscope who has Swati as their Moon sign or Ascendant this planet can give great results. They have patience and take every decision after proper calculating pors and cons. Swati thus represents the period of our lives where smooth sailing takes place. Its is just a one star rather than a group of many stars. These people combination of beauty with brain, very intelligent and great thinker. This is a good question. So, Venus will have highest say in what result Saturn can give. The nature of Swati Nakshatra makes a category of planets strong and therefore Rahu, Venus and Saturn becomes especially powerful in Swati Nakshatra. 00 Venus 3 Pisces Jupiter Ai @ Kri ttik a Index Karka Moon Mars Rahu Jupiter Saturn Mercury Ketu Venus Sun NavTara (27 N.Sc) Janma Sampat Vipat Kshema/ Jati Pratyak Saadha Vadha/ Naidhana Dosha - Kapha. Swati Nakshatra 3rd Pada: Swati Nakshatra’s third pada falls into the Navamsa Aquarium ruled by Saturn. The Nakshatras: The Lunar Mansions of Vedic Astrology (emphasis by BP Lama) "15. Ruled by Saturn : 4 th quarter : Ruled by Jupiter : Nature : Devas (God-like) Mode : Passive : Number : 15 : Gender : Female : Dosha : Kapha : Guna : Tamasic : Element : Fire : Disposition : Moveable : Bird : Honey Bee : Common Name of the Tree : Arjuna : Botanical Name of the Tree : Terinalia : Seed Sounds : Ru, Re, Ro, Ta . 2 * Ta. You might get cheated on work related matters. Ardra nakshatra, is considered to be the 'goddess of forture' as per hindu astronomical beliefs. The Swati Nakshatra is symbolised by a plant, such as a coral. It is masculine in nature, Saturn is exalted in Libra and the Sun is debilitated. Anuradha born will face trouble from family members and partners. The term Nakshatra when dissected gets split into Naksha - Map, and Tara – Star which points out the "Star mapping" technique. In short this is the nakshatra of celebrities especially if both Moon and Ascendant are in Swati Nakshatra. The pada stands for the inquisitive and restless aspect of Swati. Animal Symbol is Male buffalo and it is god like nakshatra. 40 - 10˚. They repeat themselves in the same sequence. Post Views: 14,518. It has a chara or moveable nature and is ruled by restless Rahu, … In Vedic Astrology, known as ‘Jyotish' in Sanskrit, the 27 constellations (Nakshatras) determines the core of celestial influences on our planet. The 27 nakshatras are divided in to 3 groups, known as paryayam or cycle. Moon in Swati : the person has subdued passions, is a trader, generous at heart, sweet spoken, and religious in spirit and actions. People with this nakshatra choosing this profession will find themselves harnessing the energies not just to help others, but will find their lives full of love, happiness, and material wealth. 00˚. Step 4. It helps communication, learning and all sorts of travel. This is comparatively better position than previous one but he will still have bad friend circle. As per Nakshatra horoscope 2021, all the pending works will come into action. Venus is moolatrikona in this sign also. The native is flexible. Here the native is very firm and stable. Nakshatra/Star: Swati ( 6°40’ – 20°00’ Libra ) Swati is the 15 th Nakshatra/Star of Zodiac ruled by shadowy planet RAHU (the North Node of the Moon). 20 - 06˚. Symbol Buffalo. It is auspices to begin worshipping Saraswati when the Moon occupies Swati Nakshatra. Planets generate comparatively favorable results as the pada is open minded and eager. This is the only site where you will get authentic information about Nakshatras from 3 great scriptures. The focus here is on creativity, knowledge and team spirit to achieve common goals. It stays from 6 ansh 40 kala to 20 ansh in the Libra sun sign and in the constellation it extends from 186:40 degrees to 200:00 degrees in the constellation. If you already know your child’s birth star, check the syllable chart next to pick the ideal name. The four quarters are ruled by: Guru (Jupiter) - the 1st quarter, Shani (Saturn) - the 2nd quarter, Shani (Saturn) - the 3rd quarter, and Guru (Jupiter) - the 4th quarter. Swati: The Self-Going Star (Libra 06 40' to 20 00') The symbol for Swati is a single blade of grass blowing in the wind, reflecting the independent and autonomous nature of this asterism. Also, keep an eye on your instalment Saturn will travel through your 9th house which signifies that some constraint will hold you temporarily from making the desired level of progress in your endeavors. Each Nakshatra is also divided into quarters or padas of 3°20’, and the below table lists the appropriate starting sound to name the child. For that first you have to find out the nature of each nakshatra. 03˚. Each of these seemingly different meanings of the word Swati has its influence on this nakshatra. Other aspects of this Nakshatra: The Purushardha (life's vector or motivation) is Arth a. Totem animal is Buffalo (male). They are the axis on which Vedic astrology revolves. Swati Nakshatra. This Nakshatra is ruled by the planet Jupiter and its zodiac signs are Libra and Scorpio. Due to its size and dispersion in the sky, it looks like an oval coral, pearl or shining beads. Nature of the natives are quite self controlled & believes in following righteous path. It invokes meanings of words like good going, independence, delicate and fragile. Additionally Swati Nakshatra has a special association with Saraswati - the goddess of learning in Hindu cultures. For this nakshatra, you can choose names starting with the syllables, Ru, Roo, Re, Ro, Ta and Taa. Pada – 2nd. Enter your birth details to know your birth star or that of your loved ones. Renu, Rohit, Rupali, Tanvi, Roopak, Taara are some of the examples. 20 Venus 1 Capricorn Saturn Ee # 3 2Ta. They are mentioned in the ancient Indian Texts- the Artharva and Yajur Veda which lists all 27 of them. The literal meaning of the word Swati is ‘independent’ or ‘self-going’. Swati nakshatra is the 15th nakshatra out of the total 27 nakshatra. Symbol - coral. Vedic astrology translates the meaning of this word as independent, delicate and self-going. Given bellow are the qualities of the nakshatras as given in the scriptures. Their education is not restricted to just school or college books. Saturn transit in Poorvashada Nakshatra owned by Venus is not good for people born with Moon in : Sravana, ... For Swati nakshatra born, seperation from family members and death in close relations can happen. This thus creates a propensity for sowing seeds for the future and long term planning, even though Swati is balanced up with qualities opposed to that. Abhijit is not considered as a Nakshatra anymore Padas (quarters) The 27 Nakshatras cover 13°20’ of the ecliptic each. Saturn in Ardra Nakshatra III part (13 degrees 20 minutes to 16 degrees 40 minutes) Saturn is placed in Mithuna rasi and own Kumbha Navamsa. They are interested in charity and religious godly work. Sign-lord wise, Venus is lord of Libra. Our detailed Nakshatra report gives you an elaborate overview of your birth star, its strengths & weaknesses, and Pada (quarter) details. Healthwise, between February to May. Your hard work will yield good results making you feel proud. Unless Saturn is involved the inner feelings and outer behavior of Swati natives tends to be poles apart. Whether it is destructive or constructive? Shakti of Swati Nakshatra. Freelancers, self-employed and professionals can expect some gains now. Saturn in Rohini Nakshatra II pada (13 degrees 20 minutes to 16 degrees 40 minutes) Saturn will be placed in Vrishabha Rashi and Vrishabha Navamsa. The 15th Nakshatra: SWATI. They are creative, loves to gain knowledge and has good team spirit to achieve their goals. Results of Being born in Swati Nakshatra Published on June 4, 2018 June 4, 2018 • 26 Likes • 0 Comments. Swathi – The Corn Sheaf . However, you may… Read More. The Ruling Planet of Swati Nakshatra (Graha Devta): Rahu. Swati Nakshatra: Fifteenth in sequence, the Swati nakshatra falls within the zodiac sign of Scorpio in the range, 2° 40′ – 16°. Swati natives always have conscious of growing towards a more stable centre and still this process usually takes a long time. Swati Nakshatra 2nd Pada: Saturn rules the second pada of Swati Nakshatra. Swati also means the priest, normally natives of Swati nakshatra are learned in theology, and are modest, compassionate, virtuous, sweet communication. This Nakshatra falls under the ruling lord of Rahu and its zodiac sign is Libra. It is the Self Going Star representing its independent and restless nature. If you are … Website - www.astrosaxena.com & www.astrosaxena.in . This is best placement among all 4 padas, these people fly high and achieves high in life due to saturn and rahu in swati nakshatra influence for big thinking and long term goal. Nakshatra Syllable Chart . Swati natives have special interests in singing, music and dance. Similarly, if Saturn is in Vishakha Nakshatra, then Jupiter's position will be key factor. Poorvashada nakshatra born will experience deaths, seperations from elder relatives, useless expenditure. Vishal S Saxena, Astrologer. The natives of Swati nakshatra will have a positive year in 2018. Each Nakshatra is further divided into four parts known as 'padam'. Nakshatra. 06˚. Vishakha Nakshatra. It appears as a red big giant star in the night sky and is one of the brightest stars. Ruling planet is Rahu, the deity is Vayu. This star formation corresponds to the Betelgeuse star. Swati Nakshatra; Dasha ruler: Rahu Symbol: a tear drop Deity: Marut (the wind Deity) Rulership : birds, beasts, horses, traders, grains that cause wind, unsteady friends, feeble characters, ascetics and connoisseurs of wares. Swati Nakshatra and Tula rashi natives are very intelligent and get good all round education. Swati Nakshatra. You will be forced to make a crucial decision with regard to your career. 40 Venus Aquarius Saturn Oo % 4 Ta. Swati nakshatra (Bootis or Arcturus) Spread from 6:40’ to 20: Tula.