The game has an extremely meticulous system that guides you through the branching timelines, keeping track of what events happened when and where. I actually pirated the boss fight DLC's in SMT IV... As for the art style being "generic," I don't think it looks bad. @Galenmereth I can’t remember the exact wording but one example was something that Raynie says near the beginning of the game which could be construed as homophobic. The old art was done by the artist who did the Radiata Stories characters while the new art is surprisingly done by the same artist who did character designs for castlevania order of ecclasia. Again, this sounds game-breaking, but it’s all part of the system; swapping turns will leave you vulnerable by reducing your defence. I've been a board game reviewer since 2011. However, the biggest reason for that inevitable, unavoidable comparison is Radiant Historia’s focus on time travel. A cheaper model without this option? So many Nintendo fans talk for years about specs not being a big deal, and now there's people who won't go back to the lower spec 3DS due to NS. They did a great job with this enhanced port, and I HIGHLY recommend it to all JRPG fans. Not to mention the sexy generic anime character drawings that fill the art book. I’ve also noticed they’ve altered some of the text from the DS version to make it more politically correct. For example, in Dragon Quest XI, you can put fights on auto-pilot, but you still have to sit there and watch while the game, well, plays itself. I guess this is more aimed at anyone wondering which Radiant Historia to play. I don't mind the graphics either. The original Radiant Historia for the Nintendo DS was a hard-to-find game released near the end of the portable system’s life. Violence: The plot of Radiant Historia is centered around an ongoing war, so the game is violent, but we are talking about SNES-level graphics. Radiant History: Perfect Chronology — an updated version of a 2011 DS release — is the latest title in this trend, and it’s a fantastic treat for JRPG fans. In any case, I don't see this being as bad as locking away some of the endgame boss fights behind paid DLC in SMT IV. Luckily for Stocke, that tragic outcome doesn’t have to be the end; a magical tome called the White Chronicle grants him the ability to travel through time, jumping between two parallel timelines to right wrongs and bring about the ‘true history’ that will set the continent back on track and save humanity. Why? Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology shows the same sort of respect, but offers a different approach. Setting up the same epic attack 4 times in a row, killing enemies just before they would attack, is incredibly satisfying. There is also a new dungeon challenge area, but I … Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology is a remake that irons out many of the original's wrinkles but also introduces new blemishes that dampen its remarkability. However, Nintendo already has quite the history of doing this and then some. Radiant Historia was a very unique JRPG that came out on the Nintendo DS near the end of its life. I never asked for new character art (the old one was perfect as it was) yet atlus changes the art and now I have to pay to get the characters looking like how they were originally drawn. The title has found a new home on the Nintendo 3DS as Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology, adding a new what-if timeline, dungeon, and quality of life improvements.As a “definitive edition,” the game is well-suited for new players, but my big question … Let’s find out. As for fan service... Well... Did you also refuse to buy titles such as FE Awakening/Fates due to fan service paid DLC events which don't fit the tone and scope of their own plots? Sexuality: Another still shot later on shows a main female character in a state of undress, with only a small bra covering her upper body. @Ralizah if you didn’t like the gameplay, but enjoyed the story, “Friendly” mode essentially changes it into a visual novel. It follows Stocke, an agent for the Special Intelligence branch of the Alistel military. The graphics are dated now, and I wish Stocke had more personality. Strong writing and a likable cast also go a long way towards making Radiant Historia’s ride so enjoyable. @Oat Overall, I do prefer the previous art style, although it would need to be cleaned up for the 3DS release, and the original artist may or may not have been available for this project. The limited edition DS version of this game and 999 are probably my best ever impulse videogame purchases. The DS version is probably somewhere in my all-time top-10 favorite games list (or at least favorite RPGs). I have the original, was never able to get into it and I downloaded the 3DS demo, still unable to get into it. The quality is as high as you’d expect from ATLUS’ excellent track record, and it’s a thorough dub, with most lines in significant scenes fully voiced. I do wish the main character, Stocke, had more personality, however. Price: $39.99. Very Nice. Questions. The Satyros characters show their midriffs, but not in much of a sexual manner. The original DS game isn’t exactly dated, but the additions here are interesting and fun, even if a little unneeded. Some might complain about the lack of 3D—I own a 2DSXL and didn’t even notice. + Each character has a sidequest that nets them more abilities which is nice, no character is … The chibi stuff is what I would consider "generic." I will think about it. For those of you who are newcomers, Radiant Historia follows a young man named Stocke, a skilled Special Intelligence agent who unexpectedly finds himself tasked with saving the world. I respect all opinions, but this is my stance. For all the time-related stuff in the game, Atlus sure didn't do this game much favors in terms of timely releases lol. It’s…great! Metaphysical accuracy aside, this is a fantastic mechanism that sets Radiant Historia apart from nearly every other JRPG. So glad this review was handled by a professional. Maybe worth it during a sale down the road. Greetings, Radiant Historia, and welcome to Backlog Central. I have the original. Unless you didn’t find it a “good experience” in any way whatsoever, haha. Foes walk around on-field, and you can slash them with a tap of the ‘Y’ button to stun them, either for a chance at a preemptive strike or to avoid them entirely. I'm mostly done with the 3ds but this game is special. This one sounds like one I need to make an effort for. My wife and kids are my favorite gaming partners. I agree with your principles, and I'm glad you take a stand for them! They also had XP/gold boosting paid DLC quests, and the amount of DLC that could be bought was in far greater amounts than in Radiant Historia. I have a Ph.D. in Mathematics and teach the subject at Taylor University in Upland, IN. Especially since the combat got a little boring and repetitive once you mastered it. The game was developed by Atlus. I guess what I'm saying by this is that I think the DS version is a perfectly acceptable version of the game and Perfect Chronology isn't as definitive as many would like to claim, in my opinion. but I can't validate a purchase just for a third story line. Should Christians Play Dungeons & Dragons? You play as Stocke, a member of Alistel’s Special Intelligence force, and start out by leading him on a rendezvous mission alongside two eager new recruits, Raynie and Marco. @Galenmereth ...I don't really see much of a difference there with the portraits. While much of the system looks familiar - it’s turn-based, and your party of three can attack, defend, use skills or items - enemies are laid out on a 3x3 grid, which is used to wonderfully creative effect. Would like to see this version over on the Switch, seeing as I haven't got a 3DS. Do yourself a favor and try it out! Players work through a fairly linear story while buying items and equipment upgrades. The music and character art were the high points for me, but looking at these screen shots it seems the artstyle has taken a hit here, going for a far more generic anime style. Spirituality: Like many other JRPGs, bad guys manipulate the (generic) church and the faith of the people for their own gain. But it's great to hear that this is mostly good. The other innovation is turn order manipulation. The review is very fair. Different, familiar, and most of all engaging. I'm a sucker for games revolving around time shenanigans. Makes playing it again for the new content seem pretty tempting. Does this mean Nintendo is also sleazy and lacking integrity? After completing certain sidequests, the player is able to unlock new skills for the playable characters, as well as some special scenes in the ending of the game. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Before you say goodbye to your 3DS, make sure you play this one. Pre-ordered this a while back, really looking forward to it! Radiant Historia was not a challenging game, after all, so at times it felt like the combat wasn't reaching its potential in the original version. Similarly, you can also manipulate turn order almost at will. Part of the reason I spent the time grinding through the side quests was because of Radiant Historia’s friendly mode. [Review] Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology Posted on February 10, 2018 by Dennis in 3DS, Reviews. Perfect Chronology is far from an ugly game - there are some lovely dual-screen scenes, and the painterly art-style is soft and appealing - but after ATLUS’ impressive overhauls of the DS Etrian Odyssey games in the 3DS Untold remakes, we expected more of a visual revamp here. Your foes will deal more damage from the front lines, and less in the back, so it’s in your interest to manipulate their positioning with your team’s geometry-based skills. The first of these is the overworld map: instead of traversing a single, connected world, you’ll move your party between different discrete areas by selecting your destination with a cursor. This 3DS release doesn’t feel drastically different from the DS original, but the new additions - especially a third ‘what-if’ timeline - make excellent replay incentive. Hopefully someone else is willing to play the 3DS demo to compare against the start of the DS version and make notes of these changes. So no 3D means it's the same as the DS version then? My 3DS backlog just keeps increasing, still gonna pick this up. They battle random enemies in preparation for boss fights, using a turn-based combat system. In which case, carry on. In many ways, Radiant Historia is a classic SNES-era Japanese role-playing game (JRPG) akin to Final Fantasy VI or more specifically, Chrono Trigger. Why bother? Well my 2DS Went kaput nearly a year ago so I won't be playing this. The 3DS may be getting on these days, but it’s certainly got plenty to show for its half-dozen years on the scene, including an astoundingly impressive collection of RPGs. Though it looks largely the same as the original outing, Radiant Historia is absolutely worth playing in 2018, with an exciting, time-travelling tale, uniquely engaging combat, and excellent new additions for veteran players. I was really impressed with the step up in the 3DS version. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Ugh forgot about this. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. As someone who almost never goes for 100% in a game and will often just search on YouTube for the best ending if I get a bad one, I have to say that I enjoyed this material enough that I went through the work to get the final ending. A few of the side quests (including two key side quests) are quite obtuse, but I liked the time travel mechanic for the most part and the battle system is a lot of fun pretty much throughout the entire game. If you do like traditional Japanese RPGs I highly recommend this one. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Aside: At the beginning of the game, it asks you if you want to play the new content all at the end of the original campaign which is called “Append Mode,” suggested for newcomers, or have it spread throughout in “Perfect Mode,” suggested for veterans. It’s a moment played for amusement and is complete fan service. Unfortunately, the ridiculously low difficulty level is fully intertwined with friendly mode. Stocke’s companions are just as personable, and as the cast grows along the journey through Vanqueur’s several kingdoms, each new recruit is a welcome addition to the group. Suffice to say, Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology retains all of the aspects that made the original so good in the eyes of many, and expands on them. You still bought XB2, right? It was unfortunate that not a lot of people never got a chance to play it. This is one brief moment over the course of the entire game. It’s an excellent trick, and in fact, it’s perhaps more appropriate to think of the time-travel as a gameplay mechanic first and a story mechanic second; like switching colours in Ikaruga or worlds in A Link To The Past, timeline-hopping in Radiant Historia is a novel way to uncover new areas, events, and abilities. Gonna fix that at some point. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. After playing the demo this past weekend, it's definitely on my wishlist! Plus the DS version wasn’t released in Europe, so I’m sure there’s a few people there that haven’t played it. @TheGameSquid Launch day will have option DLC to swap tje art out for the old ones. The bad news is that it's DLC (although frankly I'm just happy I have the option ). Hope to get this down the line with Alliance Alive. For one, I was pretty disappointed about the lack of stereoscopic 3d. I now know why Radiant Historia is on so many "Best JRPGs of All Time" lists. Buy Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology. Perfect Chronology deserves to be mentioned in the same breaths as Dragon Quest XI and Octopath Traveler as one of 2018’s best JRPGs. I'm gonna stick with that.