The Great Khan fighting against Orks on Chondax. Eventually the tribesmen defeated the army of the Palatine, who escaped back to his capital with a select few bodyguards. Following a particularly devastating ambush by the Iron Warriors at Iluvuin, the Khagan was determined to make his way to the Imperial Throneworld, to stand by the Emperor's side when the Warmaster and the Traitors would inevitably invade the Sol System and lay siege to Terra. Ironically, despite their role as pathfinders and discoverers, it was not a Pioneer Company of the Vth Legion that would discover lost Chogoris, but instead a fleet of the Luna Wolves Legion accompanied by both Horus and the Emperor. It shot out vertically, leaping up and bursting into the skies above. The Loyalist Brotherhood of the Storm surged up against the hammering deluge, sprinting in loose formation. Khan was caught by one of the Palatine's aristocratic hunting bands led by the son of that emperor. Those few records of the two often note this friendship between two otherwise isolated Primarchs. Ce qui se passa exactement au fond de ces vallées glacées resta inconnu. When the Khagan brought them all together on the wide plains of the Empty Quarter, he beheld a thousand different heraldries on warriors of a hundred different worlds bound together only by the tenuous strands of their shared genetic legacy. Unlike the brutal sons of Angron or the wild wolves of Fenris, the White Scars did not lack in discipline, and though they wore the cloak of the savage, they were not the same wild killers as those more infamous of their kin. Back on Ullanor, even at the height of triumph, he had not possessed quite the same heft. He never understood how much fear he caused. Every eye was fixed upon the command dais. Mortarion had run out of friends. The White Scars Legion must surely have been at the forefront of the Legions that pursued the defeated Traitors to the Eye of Terror during the Great Scouring, for the White Scars rarely allowed a defeated foe to slip away once their blood was up. Peu importe la vérité, le Liber Historica Vangelica ra… Though it took enormous power, or devices of ancient and unknown origins, it could be done. It was an apparition of his missing brother, Magnus the Red, the Crimson King. If anything, free of the need to maintain a barrage of las-fire, it accelerated. Qin Xa faced him, unblooded but for his blades. A cause de l'éloignement de Chondax, Jaghatai eu du mal à démêler le vrai du faux. The Khan did not wish to be dragged into his brother's ruin -- Mortarion was on his own. The Khan informed Hasik that they had all been lied to by Horus. They maintained the integrity of the cordon, warding the routes to the nearest suitable Mandeville jump-points and keeping the White Scars corralled within the vicinity of Chondax. The Imperium was willfully blind, deliberately so. Despite the offers of unity and peaceful integration transmitted by the Great Khan, he and his warriors were greeted not as long-lost kin or saviours, but as invaders, and their fleet came under swift attack. Finalement, l'invasion de Jaghatai atteignit la forteresse de Palatine, à Cophasta; une magnifique cité sur la côte Est de Chogoris. Magnus had burned his bridges with the Emperor. In the stars he saw whole seas of human blood over which floated a bloody fog that blanketed all the horizon. Jaghatai avait organisé une armée et des officiers, mais les tribus n'avaient jamais développé de concept de gouvernance des populations ni des terres. At the same time, he dispatched a grand summons, calling upon all of the disparate bands of the Vth Legion, the scattered Pioneer Companies that warred across the galaxy, to attend him. Looking at the signals, still on the edge of the system but already moving in close -- three, then four vessels allied to Horus were moving towards the Prospero System. The strike was aimed with perfect precision, lancing through the Terminator battle-plate with a hard crack of disruptor field discharge. Reports streamed in -- there was disorder on many vessels now as both factions vied for control of their respective vessels. Thus the Death Guard served in the Drune campaign only nominally under the Great Khan's leadership, Mortarion ensuring they remained apart from the other two Legions. Jaghatai survived, but could not get back up the mountain in time before the tribe moved on. Meanwhile, Shiban Khan had his ship, the Kalijan, slide close to his Legion's flagship. Gone is HongCong’s star-beard and psychedelic kaleidoscope face. The Khan explained that their brother Horus had purposely sent him away, for there were no accidents. Hasik Noyan-Khan and his co-conspirators had been blindsided by Shiban Khan's daring assault. Mortarion had spoken the truth about that, at least -- warships had engaged, Lances were being fired, shields were buckling. His scythe fell into guard. All along the front, White Scars ships probed the line and Alpha Legion ships resisted them. Some of the Warp-translated messages bore chrono-marks from many solar months previously; some had been sent, it seemed, only solar hours previously. He was the champion, the sacrificial king. That the whispers of the faithless could not be allowed to prevail. The scars inflicted as part of the ritual vary in size, shape and placement, and among the original tribesmen of Chogoris, this would serve to mark out different tribes and bloodlines, though among those not born of Chogoris, the significance was less important. The Khan strode down from the platform, his Keshig following him closely. The space was immense, and the upper reaches soared away into the darkness. Their sudden burst of speed and concentrated Lance-strikes wrong-footed the Alpha Legion vessels in their path, and three bronze-prowed Destroyers were overwhelmed almost immediately, lost amidst a whirlwind of plasma and exploding torpedo trails. A major star system like Prospero ought to have had thousands of ship-spores hanging in the void, the chemical residue of void engine release, but the routes inbound from the Mandeville Warp point were sterile. Jaghatai parvient cependant à calmer Russ et le convaincre de le laisser rallier Terra. His faceplate was that of a suit of gold-crested Mark III Power Armour, archaic and festooned with Thousand Sons iconography. This was but the first part of the Khagan's strategy, for tradition alone would not suffice. The shade explained to the Khan what had occurred recently on the devastated world, that it was their father's vengeance for his hubris, for daring to break the Emperor's edicts. With the exceptions of Navigators and Astropaths who were properly trained, controlled and sanctioned by the Imperium and were necessary to its continued existence, the Space Marine Legions were no longer to employ psykers within their ranks. All orders … It died upon his blade, but the explosion of aetheric force unleashed was very nearly his end too. "You will move first." An opportunity soon presented itself when the White Scars discovered the Kalium Gate, an ancient Warp Gate that dated back to the Dark Age of Technology and had long been abandoned since the Age of Strife. It was a rare find, a realm of unsullied human genestock whose advanced technology was well-matched to that of the Imperium, but whose small size precluded any extended resistance to the Imperium's authority. Instead replaced with some weird mummy demanding a slab. Jaghatai Khan . Jaghatai ignora l'appel de son frère et le laissa affronter seul la flotte renégate. Mortarion counselled Horus to press onwards, discounting the Stormseer's warning, and press onwards Horus did, striking the gates such a resounding blow with his mace that it caused them to buckle inwards and collapse with a billowing cloud of dust. It had been a slim hope -- Jemulan did not have quite the same reputation as Hasik and had not been with the Legion from the start. They burned and blasted its towers, and hunted down every last inhabitant and put them to the sword. Inspired by this success, the Loyalists also tried to seize the Eternity Wall Spaceport, but were driven back by the Chaos forces without difficulty, as they had reinforced their garrison following the loss of the Lion's Gate. They surged back across the heaving terrain, lumbering away from the Psychneuein attacks as best they could, trying to reach the crumbling maw of the fissure that had swallowed their Primarch. The lightning-fast style of mobile warfare that had served Jaghatai Khan so well on the steppes of his homeworld proved to be equally effective on the many different battlefields of the Great Crusade. He held his dao poised, waiting for his enemy to move. Proclaimed by astropathic signal and courier ship, Jaghatai's call would take many years to reach the furthest of his warriors. Jaghatai Khan est l'un des primarques créés par l'Empereur à partir de son propre patrimoine génétique; c'est un héros mythique de l'Imperium qui participa à la Bataille de Terra et à la protection du Palais de l'Empereur. On Chogoris, such rituals had held the tribes together through centuries of murder-raids and slave hunts, and Jaghatai knew well its power to harden the soul and bind warriors together. This time it would not stop, not until only one faction remained on the bridge, Traitor or Loyalist, whichever was which. No markers, no idents marked them, just sub-Warp signatures and the telltale flicker of Void Shield activation. Once more, Mortarion heard and sneered his derision of the psyker's arts, but this time the Great Khan interjected, insisting that his brother Horus heed the Stormseer's words. As if fighting a strong headwind out on the Altak back on Chogoris, the vanguard's momentum faltered. Shiban's forces pushed up through the narrowing space, gaining ground with every surge. Khalid Hassan, Captain of the Imperial Army's 4th Clandestine Orta and an agent of Malcador the Sigillite, the Regent of Terra, arrived aboard the Lance of Heaven. The citizens of the Imperium at large were taught that humanity had moved beyond religion and superstition. They went from world to world and brought only death and destruction, scorching a path of ashes to the Pale Emperor's throneworld. Killing the creatures was straightforward enough. It was hunting, and in a way that he understood: cavalry charges across open spaces, going up against prey that had no concept of capitulation or self-pity. As the Primarchs continued to fight, the Khan actually felt himself begin to tire. Both felt that to leave the new Primarch bereft of a true understanding of the Imperium's foundation and culture would leave him ill-prepared to integrate properly with its factions and politics. The Dark Glass, like its counterpart on Terra, could access the Webway through the use of a central throne controlled by a psyker of enormous power to operate. Jaghatai thought for a moment on that, for he did not know what to say. Though the Khan had doubts that it truly was his brother, the Magnus fragment explained that it was not the Crimson King -- at least not entirely -- but they did share a soul. The Sons of Alpharius were manipulators -- they wanted the White Scars to hear from Dorn. Arvida vowed that he would. There were bodies buried beneath the ash and metal: human bodies, mortal in stature. In only twenty standard years Jaghatai Khan had conquered the largest empire in his world's history. When they slammed together again the impact was bone-jarring. Les autres cités tombèrent en une succession rapide, et les historiens de Chogoris rapportent que les routes furent pavées de cadavres, tandis que les champs brulaient tout autour; les quelques survivants priant pour être délivrés de la furie du Khan. That was when Shiban realised they had been drawn into a trap. Yet, despite these qualities they were often seen as the least among their kin, followers and not lords, a fact that sat ill with warriors of such skill and dedication. The White Scars launched several highly-successful hit-and-run assaults against the Traitor forces and together with remnants of the Imperial Army's 1st Terran Tank Division and several infantry regiments they successfully harassed the enemy supply lines as the Chaos armies fled to the Eternity Wall Spaceport to get off-world and escape Imperial vengeance. The other choice, no less invidious, was to remain true to their oaths and bound to a slow diminishment. Ainsi, et malgré les rivalités et guerres qui divisent encore Chogoris aujourd'hui, la figure du primarque règne sur l'imaginaire de tous les Habitants de Chogoris, qui attendent le retour de leur unificateur et de celui qui est resté le 1er et le seul "Grand Khan" de Mundus Planus. With a lurch of recognition, he saw Hasik Noyan-Khan occupying the dais, fighting hard to repel a surge from Jemulan's warriors. Les tribus des steppes se battirent comme à leur chasse, en un cercle de cavaliers rapides frappant comme le tonnerre sur leurs proies humaines. Many Space Marine Chapters have existed for millennia, with those of the First Founding having their roots in the original Legions created to prosecute the conquests of the Emperor's Great Crusade. Advancing within the city, a great mass of humanity pressed in from every quarter. Their father's time was over -- the Khan could either be a part of the new order that replaced him or be swept aside in its wake. Jaghatai's refusal in later years to amend the practises of his Legion to more closely fit the Imperial Truth were yet another source of conflict between the Great Khan and some of his brothers, notably Lorgar and Roboute Guilliman. When the Khagan returned he would see the wisdom of the actions of the lodge brothers. JAGHATAI KHAN TENSE REUNION WITH LEMAN RUSS - Warhammer 40k - Duration: 18:07. Most of the Primarchs, without realising it, had already cast their lots in the great drama about to unfold, and only a few remained. Mortarion told his brother that he should not have thrown in his lot with the Sanguinius, let alone Magnus. Jaghatai's closest relationships with his brother Primarchs were with Horus Lupercal of the vaunted Luna Wolves Legion and Magnus the Red of the Thousand Sons. It is said that after being mysteriously transported from Terra through the Warp in his gestation capsule by the Ruinous Powers of Chaos, Khan landed on a planet in the Segmentum Pacificus named by the Imperium Mundus Planus, or as the native population called it, Chogoris. Torghun attempted to reason with his erstwhile brothers. More Traitor starships soon entered the system. Magnus confessed that Jaghatai had been right -- he should have restrained his sons in their explorations of the power of sorcery.