I just want someone to love me. It feels like she has lost interest in you and in the relationship. He has his own business and only calls me if he needs something. Explore about Relationship ... You could feel great with each other, but like he is a different person as he was before. He doesn't even wan't me around our Grand-Son. Now, I know she did what she felt like, without any thought of me, but I still hear her voice in my head especially when life gets difficult or I feel insecure.” 7. I want to be important to someone. He isn't upset with my Husband that he saw the pictures. As you worry about losing your girl… you think back to the good times you had. Self-involved. This means he doesn’t love you because a man who loves you would always put you first—no matter what. Just me! He is 40 years old now. When it comes to “how to make her love me?”, the first thing to consider is what she likes. You are afraid that she doesn’t want to be your girlfriend anymore. If you needed his help, that man would drop everything immediately to come and rescue you if you wanted him to. I want to matter to someone. He has college and work everyday and when he comes home he’s tired and I try to understand but it’s making me feel like he doesn’t love me anymore because he hardly shows me attention. Your girlfriend has become very cold and distant lately. Today when my whole family was going shopping for 4 hours, my mom left me at home! The memories Something feels wrong. Reading your stories helped me see we all have a story and we all sometimes feel like God doesn’t care. Unconditional love towards my mother on my part no longer looks like me accepting her devaluing and abusive actions and regard towards me. Ok, so I think my mom doesn't love me anymore. 15 Unfortunate Signs Your Husband Doesn’t Love You Anymore, Signs Your Husband Wants A Divorce and Signs My Husband Doesn't Love Me Anymore. All my life I felt like I am nothing and nobody wants me. Its like she now has two replacement daughters and no longer needs me. We are no longer as close as we were before. About year ago my mom moved in with her boyfriend and his two children. If you feel like she doesn’t love you, don’t feel discouraged, as there are multiple ways to learn how to seduce a woman, and how to be loved by a woman in interest for you. Our Son told me seeing those pictures has ruined his life. Our Feelings. I don't know how to tell her how I feel without just bursting in tears every time I go to tell her. 17. My boyfriend is suddenly making me feel like I’m not wanted by him. Ok, so I was crying, but it was because she was yelling and swearing (in front of my 7 year old sister and 3 year old brother too! Unconditionally loving my mother is only possible when I respect and love myself in the true definition of love. Everything that hasn't gone right is my fault. mind and it makes my own mind go berserk that he doesn’t like me anymore coz if he does he would remember to reply coz am on his mind/i occurred in his thoughts… but we shall see… am so confused…. Whatever! She used to know more less everything about me now it's like she knows nothing. Relationship with my mother is not possible when the price that I pay includes sacrificing my human rights, individuality and self-esteem.Today Basically, your partner is your best friend and best friends don’t treat each other like this. Let me preface this with saying that I love my mom.She gave me life, she helped raised me to be a relatively well-adjusted adult, and she's not evil nor malicious by any means. Which isn't often. She doesn’t love me but I love her : how can I change that.