This means establishing both order and reassurance early on. Before the pandemic struck, the meat-subscription service ButcherBox ordered a … Henry Albrecht, CEO and founder of Limeade, provides weekly guidance to all Limeade employees on key topics such as self-care, working from home, travel policies and staying safe. Look around you. In addition, they’re overwhelmed with the change to their normal routine due to children being home and warnings becoming more urgent for the elderly. If your employees, … Join over 100,000 of your peers and receive our weekly newsletter which features the top trends, news and expert analysis to help keep you ahead of the curve. Employee morale and stress is mounting because of the pandemic, panelists said. Delivering constructive criticism remotely—without sinking employee morale. More than half (51%) of employees experienced a pay cut during the pandemic, and Gen Z … Transparency is always a best practice, but it is especially beneficial … Employers should refrain from forcing employees from traveling to countries where the U.S. Department of State or the CDC has recommended against. COVID-19 is creating a challenging time for everyone, but with these tools, you can smooth the adjustment. Here are three ways employers can reduce panic and keep employee morale up during the coronavirus outbreak. Additionally, you can find online resources for learning about the virus and its symptoms, plus other tools for maintaining mental health practices. Find new ways to listen. This article was written for Business 2 Community by Caleb Danziger.Learn more about writing for B2C. Daycare and school closings threaten to upend the daily lives of working families who have no other options for childcare. Now could be a convenient time to revisit policies and see what employee health care benefits cover. New information comes up every day that could be relevant to your company. © Business 2 Community. Throw a … More communication and more feedback will result in increased support and better employee morale. These ways to boost employee morale are affordable or even free, depending on your available resources. Ravlin stated, if remote work isn’t an option, employers can improve morale by making training fun. Thankfully, there are things you can do to help with that. Employees will want to talk about it, so it’s important to do so. Employers should be empathetic, understanding and flexible as workers try to navigate the unexpected changes to their lives. With these events, you can encourage friendly competition and use incentives to drive productivity and efficiency. A sales competition is an engaging activity that offers business-oriented goals to work toward. This can be done by adding more hand sanitizers, disinfectants and Clorox wipes, reducing or eliminating penalties against sick leaves and call off’s, increasing flexibility, supplying face masks and hosting awareness sessions to educate and reduce anxiety. These conversations can take on multiple forms. “That takes a toll, a wear and tear on morale, for sure,” he said. Now more than ever, having ways to connect and talk is vital. Part of the outbreak’s complexity is that it varies by continent, country and state. Half of working Americans say their career development has stalled or even regressed during the pandemic, according to a survey of 1,000 workers by … I'm a Leadership Coach & Workplace Culture Consultant at Heidi Lynne Consulting helping individuals and organizations gain the confidence to become better leaders for themselves and their teams. However, at Fuze, we have always embraced a … Companies who were once resistant to the idea of allowing their employees to work from home are now forced into making it a priority. The following tips create that support system: One of the most crucial and evergreen aspects of a business is communication. Some businesses will open soon, while others stay closed. Work-based goals will help people dive into their tasks and put the pandemic at the back of their minds for a few hours — something critical for mental health. Otherwise, employers risk infecting an entire place. More employees than C-Suite executives took a pay cut during the pandemic. Since working from home doesn’t allow face-to-face interactions, you might not know how an employee is feeling or where their morale level is at. The reality is, businesses can’t simply stop operating because of the coronavirus and remote work for many is not a possibility. The threat of the Coronavirus has since turned into a crisis impacting workplaces, the stock market and the health of individuals all over the world. 1. Employees look to their leaders and model their behavior especially in times of crisis. Therefore, it’s important they remain calm and manage their emotions. The coronavirus pandemic has shifted normal business operations to being remote. Isolation can cause loneliness or depression for some. Employees will appreciate the support in any form. Co-workers can share tips for staying healthy, activities for keeping busy, positive news and general support for one another. I'm a black belt in Six Sigma, former Society of Human Resources (SHRM) President and domestic violence mentor. According to a recent survey carried out on 2,000 UK adult workers, a third of employees have stated that lockdown has brought them closer to burnout. How to Boost Employee Morale During a Crisis. You can encourage a healthy work-life balance while making sure conversations remain open and honest. You might take a simple coffee break during the day. It’s an anxiety-inducing time for everyone — creating a support system through work is an overarching way to help. Morale is rapidly declining as many fear for their lives. We are dealing with what is now officially a pandemic, with few things feeling more concerning to most employees these days. Even as states begin to see COVID-19 slowing, remote work is likely to stick around for a while. I'm a Leadership Coach & Workplace Culture Consultant at Heidi Lynne Consulting helping individuals and organizations gain the confidence to become better leaders for. Luckily, there are affordable ways to boost employee morale during the coronavirus pandemic. You can give and receive feedback with employees so everyone can support each other while meeting company needs. Managers need to trust when employees say they’re sick and experiencing symptoms and work around them as best as possible. Fancy Dress Fridays. Although it’s not possible for every company to offer remote work, companies should consider loosening restrictions surrounding certain policies. Explain in emails or team video calls,... 2. Companies hire me to to speak, coach, consult and train their teams and organizations of all sizes. This requires coordinating healthy business operations, balancing … 'Toxic': CDC staffers say morale inside the public health agency has plummeted during the pandemic One CDC staffer said a Trump victory in November could … Additionally, they should address discriminatory behavior and remarks toward Asian colleagues, the origin of the disease as well as those who wear face masks. Nicole Junas Ravlin, president of Junapr, shared “if your team is working remotely when they don’t typically, managers should host team meetings at least once per week so that there is face-to-face contact.” Leaders should encourage video calls for brainstorming sessions, meetings and keeping communication open. All Rights Reserved. Though these steps are necessary for flattening the curve and stopping the virus, remote work and the stressful circumstances associated with it can lower employee morale. No doubt there are lots of questions regarding compensation for hourly employees during the COVID-19 pandemic.. Be Intentional About Communications It’s crucial that … July 29, 2020 by Rene Cantu. Knowing what’s going on around you keeps you alert, so you know what actions to take. Team morale is necessary because a positive team dynamic is more likely to result in engaged and productive employees whereas a negative team dynamic leads to … Physical and mental health are both at risk during this pandemic. At Acuity, the Ferris wheel reflects a key component of the company’s pre-pandemic effort to achieve work-life balance—activities. Though your team might not be able to be together in person for a while, you can encourage activities that bring everyone closer. With 27% claiming that the lack of social interaction with co-workers was making the time even more difficult, it’s … Educator Morale Hits Lowest Point Since Pandemic Started Teacher, administrator, and hourly employee morale have hit their lowest points since the EdWeek … When you support employees, their resolve will improve, and they can then help their co-workers. Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own. Likewise, productivity, morale and engagement deteriorate due to workers growing resentful for employers not caring about what they’re going through. Team Activities. It’s crucial that leaders don’t get sucked into the panic. She also mentioned having tissue box decorating contests. Through a call or survey, you can ask questions about a worker’s current position, morale and more. It is natural to become hyper-focused on navigating the volatility. Travel restrictions during the pandemic have affected the city’s budget as well, Heston said. “Our Latino community should depend on government to effectively reach us, especially during the pandemic.” Employee morale and stress is mounting because of the pandemic, panelists said. Schools are shifting to working and teaching remotely and even Capitol Hill staffers are preparing contingency plans in case of an outbreak. As an employer, you can open up that conversation through weekly check-ins to make sure everyone is doing well and has the support they need. You and your employees can use video chatting as a way to check in with one another. Many health care services have become virtual — telehealth has been the main platform for treatment during the coronavirus crisis. Amazon’s Fortunes Rise as Employee Morale Plummets in the Face of COVID-19 The coronavirus has been a boon for the world’s largest online vendor, but … Remember that you can emphasize both the importance of continuing good work and employing useful mental health practices. You can see what changes you can make to fit this transition. Many employers want to do right by their hourly workers and offer them fair compensation while they temporarily shutter their workplace or curtail operations. Meanwhile, there are uncertainties regarding who gets paid and who doesn’t.. One valuable resource that offers … Whether it is sending them links to stress relief articles or hosting virtual meditation sessions, you can help your employees avoid the … When you provide them with facts, it can ease their anxiety and uncertainty. It’s essential to find the information pertinent to your business and give your employees a rundown. Kristal Howard, a spokeswoman for Kroger, told the Post the company has “provided paid emergency leave and financial support for child care during the pandemic. ... As the world adjusts to the COVID-19 pandemic, more employees are working from home. Answering these questions can make for a better time in quarantine. Employers should keep employees and contractors updated on the situation and invite them to engage in the discussion. It's in times of crisis when employee engagement. Learn more at or get in touch at Co-workers can take some time to talk about their days, work or interests while relaxing. Your comment may not appear immediately. In these uncertain times, one would be forgiven for low morale in the work place. © 2021 Forbes Media LLC. Mark McSpadden, vice president of global product strategy and experience at American Express Global Business Travel explained “companies have a moral and legal obligation to look after employees-whether it’s mitigating travel risk or looking after their general health and wellbeing.”. During normal times, you’d put solid internal communication front... 3. Major tech companies such as Amazon, Apple and Microsoft have asked workers to work remotely. When it comes to your employees’ mental wellness during this pandemic, you need to provide them with proper COVID-19 resources. The doctor provided employees with real facts about COVID-2019 and helped them to differentiate between real news and myths around the disease. These breaks can be longer, too, and take the form of a check-in. Frequent and visible recognition is even more important when you’re not … Keeping employees in the loop addresses the elephant in the room and lets them know you’re providing a space for this conversation. Sambandam said this helped remove any misconceptions around the virus and employees felt less paranoid as they were equipped with what they needed to do to keep themselves safe. Mental health is equally as important as physical health. If you want to help, it’s first necessary to address the primary issue — the coronavirus. Be confident. It also gave employees … Employees now work from home to uphold social distancing and quarantine guidelines. LUNCH BREAK. Our comments are moderated. “On Fridays, our team puts on ridiculous outfits to make each … Leaders and their HR teams have a lot to manage during the COVID-19 pandemic. When a job responsibility like a sales competition receives a competitive spin, people may feel closer to their co-workers, which can increase productivity and happiness. The amount of fake news rivals the real and even the real news is more than enough to cause concern. I've gained a breadth of knowledge working internationally in Europe, America and Asia. Plan your approach before you respond… Though your team might not be able to be together in person for a while, you can … Practice timely recognition through active daily or weekly … Some people may be dealing with more at home than others, too — remember to consider that aspect. Feedback is a two-way street. Virtual connections like video or audio calls are the primary method of communication during this time. Show how the senior management team is working to stabilize the business. The last thing an employee needs is their employer being rigid about them working from home to take care of their family until they find an alternative solution. Before the pandemic, many companies relied less on video conferencing and it was only reserved for full-time remote employees. Impact 50: Investors Seeking Profit — And Pushing For Change, 1 in 3 employees have left a job because they didn’t feel their employer cared about them as a person, 25% left a job because they weren’t treated with dignity by company leaders, 1 in 5 left a job because their employer didn’t support their well-being. As a consultant, I deliver and implement strategies to develop current talent and create impactful and engaging employee experiences. We have a pandemic pumping paranoia into the public. Lorrie Lykins, vice president of research at i4cp, explained “providing education about prevention, managing risk, and what is expected of employees is also important.” Communications should be sent to educate employees about their health care coverage, the employee assistance program as well as the importance of washing their hands. Creative strategies, engaging workplaces. Boosting employee morale during this time is imperative. is necessary to keep a workplace thriving. Whether people are dealing with the virus, anxiety, depression or grief, health care resources are a must. feedback will result in increased support, HR Tech to Help Ease the Sexual Harassment Reporting Process, Your Guide to Getting the Best Cybersecurity for Your Startup, Image: Positioning: 5 Strategies to Stand Out From Your Competitors, Image: 10 Ways to Show Your Ability to Handle Pressure at Work, Image: Reply Email Samples for Different Situations (Several Examples), Image: Key Personality Types That Work Well Together. Are there ways you can help? Working from home during the pandemic is isolating, but check-ins will help. Not helping is that certain groups aren’t considered front-line workers eligible for COVID-19 vaccinations, said Steamboat Springs restaurant owner Scott Engelman, also board chair of Colorado Restaurant Association. Increase communication — with all key stakeholders. Employee Morale Survey #5 - Launched November 9 Notable highlights. Because this is an extended, infrequent event, it may be helpful to remember that organizational strategies must change. All Rights Reserved. At a time of great uncertainty, authentic leadership is more important than … You can also share tips for staying healthy, both physically and mentally. Suresh Sambandam, CEO of Kissflow, decided to bring in a doctor who is also a member of the Microbial Diseases and Infection Control Team from a reputable hospital. I use my global expertise to provide virtual and in-person consulting and leadership coaching to the students at Babson College, Ivy League students and my global network. In this trying time, keep morale high by making a deliberate effort to celebrate and recognize your employees. Another option is to develop group fitness goals and work toward them together. As the national and organizational response unfolds, your own sense of calm, focus, and self-assurance will play a significant role in easing the stress of those you work with. Helping employees remain calm is a … If somebody gets exposed during a call, they have to go through a specific procedure to ensure everyone’s safety. Be honest about coronavirus repercussions -- with sensitivity. The pandemic creates a stressful situation, and fostering a conversation around it will help you and your employees support one another. While employers can’t completely do away with employee fears, they can try to mitigate them as best as possible. Building connections virtually is the underlying theme. Keep communication open. These things could be something as simple as a “paint and sip” after hours. Managers have an important role in establishing order, predictability, and direction in large scale disasters. Be timely, genuine, specific and public. Volunteerism can help solve the employee morale crisis The Los Angeles Regional Food Bank distributes food outside a church during the outbreak of … She shared employers “can get some Glo Germ and have a hand-washing contest to see who does the best job.” This is also a great way to provide training around sanitation practices. The reality is that many businesses … The secrets to maintaining employee morale through the pandemic As the crisis continue into the next season, your workers may fall victim to … Restrictions may lift in some areas while they get stricter in other places. Like communication, feedback is another evergreen element that keeps a company afloat. What challenges are they facing? As the confirmed cases and death toll rises, employees are becoming increasingly paranoid. How are they feeling about their job during this pandemic? 47% identified your mood as “OK” or “pretty good,” largely unchanged from the last survey.. 84% agree that your well-being is important to your supervisor, also largely unchanged.. 84% agree that you are treated with dignity and respect while at work, compared to our October 2019 survey of 82%. Here are three ways employers can reduce panic and keep employee morale up during the coronavirus outbreak. To prevent the spread of misinformation through rumors and gossip, companies should only share credible sources like CDC and the WHO. While most organizations have a crisis plan in place, many are ill-equipped to deal with the severity of the Coronavirus, also known as COVID-19.