(2) Good behaviour (Proverbs 20:7; Proverbs 3:22). (3) Sweeten all with expressions of endearment, to insinuate the more into their affections, but still with Christian prudence. (5) Persevere in all, whatever temptations you meet with.2. Religiously. Hence we find Acrotatus commended among the ancients because, when his parents had required of him to do an unjust thing, he answered, "I know you are willing I should do that which is just, for so you taught me to do; I will therefore do what you desire, but not what you bid."3. What care, what caution, would you exercise in the selection. But even so, as adults we are still to give honor to our parents. While Paul will deal with their problems one by one, he first seeks to ground these Colossian Christians solidly in the basics of the faith—and Christ is at the center of that faith (see especially 1:15-20). Hence we find Acrotatus commended among the ancients because, when his parents had required of him to do an unjust thing, he answered, "I know you are willing I should do that which is just, for so you taught me to do; I will therefore do what you desire, but not what you bid."3. That is, whatever your situation, be the very best you can be. When good intentions are rated low, and children are put under the ban of dishonour, they are very likely to show that they are no better than they are taken to be. Let me show you the importance of this by a simple question. (b)With respect to their claims when in indigence, in infirmity, or dead. They are not to irritate their children, but, by parity of reasoning, to so comport themselves in good government as to secure their children's honour. No, there must be a certain courage in maternity and the religion of it. (1) Be sure you keep up the life and power of godliness in your domestic practice. - T. C. 1. Bate. He is the only absolute lawgiver (James 4:12), and when parental claims conflict with His, we are absolved from our obedience. (b)With respect to their claims when in indigence, in infirmity, or dead. A certain writer has significantly said: "What if God should place in your hand a diamond, and tell you to inscribe on it a sentence which should be read at the last day, and shown there as an index of your own thoughts and feelings? THE DUTY OF THE CHILD TO THE PARENT IS TO OBEY.1. When good intentions are rated low, and children are put under the ban of dishonour, they are very likely to show that they are no better than they are taken to be. Attitude as well as action is important in obedience. THE DUTY OF THE CHILD TO THE PARENT IS TO OBEY.1. I remember just how she looked, with her cap and spectacles. When good intentions are rated low, and children are put under the ban of dishonour, they are very likely to show that they are no better than they are taken to be. The husband is also commanded to lead his family into sanctification that they may be holy and blameless. We cannot imagine that this is so universal and absolute as obedience to God. The child giving evidence, however beautiful, of his piety, is still kept back from the Lord's table, for the simple defect of years. (4) Endeavour to carry it with all evenness and impartiality to every child, according to a rational proportion. WHY YOU SHOULD OBEY.1. When I was seven years old she asked me not to drink. (3)The punishments threatened (Deuteronomy 21:18; Exodus 21:17:Leviticus 20:9; Proverbs 20:20; Proverbs 30:17). The Cross and the Killing of … Colossians 1:1-14. Browse Sermons on Colossians 3:20. (1) Be sure you keep up the life and power of godliness in your domestic practice. Not know ing which to choose he advertised again: "Wanted, to assist in a shop, a boy who obeys his mother." It is ____________ for believing children to fulfill their role because of the Holy Spirit. (2) It intimidates and deprives him of all courage for a good undertaking; for, finding himself ill-treated by his father, what can he hope for from others. More particular. It worries the child in every putting forth and play lest he should be hurt, and takes him away from every contact with the great world's occasions that would school him for manhood. If a Christian father is felt to be a tyrant, he will seem to his child to be a tyrant in God's name, and that will be enough to create a sullen prejudice against all sacred things. "In all things." Text: Colossians 3:20-21 ... Sermon Archive. THE OFFICE OF PARENTS. The engine was within a few seconds of reaching the embankment, when the man, on turning his head, perceived his little boy playing on the rails on the line the train was to pass over. (1) It will secure for you God's blessing, whereas disobedience will bring down His curse. W. Noel, M. (1) Be sure you keep up the life and power of godliness in your domestic practice. If a Christian father is felt to be a tyrant, he will seem to his child to be a tyrant in God's name, and that will be enough to create a sullen prejudice against all sacred things. BY HASTY AND FALSE ACCUSATIONS. He is the only absolute lawgiver (James 4:12), and when parental claims conflict with His, we are absolved from our obedience. )Obedience to a masterKing's Highway.The Hon. (3) Some get hardened, and fall by degrees into desperate impiety.(J. He has placed before you the immortal minds of your children, more imperishable than the diamond, on which you are about to inscribe every day and every hour, by your instruction, by your spirit, or by your example, something that will remain and be exhibited for or against you at the judgment day!"Lessons:1. The engine was within a few seconds of reaching the embankment, when the man, on turning his head, perceived his little boy playing on the rails on the line the train was to pass over. I laughed the admonition off, but she never said a truer thing in all her life. But how would the father or mother fare if tested by the same rule? Thomas H. Benton was for many years a United States senator. Colossians 3:20. They are only mocked and tantalized by their baptism itself.(H. Religiously. Children love approbation, and are specially disappointed when they fail of it in their meritorious endeavours, and especially when they are blamed for a trivial defect which, had they known, they would have avoided. (1) Be thoroughly sensible of the mischief of disobedience, and the benefit of obedience. Children love approbation, and are specially disappointed when they fail of it in their meritorious endeavours, and especially when they are blamed for a trivial defect which, had they known, they would have avoided. (4) Submission. The tragedy is that parents do ask children to lie and steal for them sometimes without really even thinking about what they are doing. Paul says here, Children, be obedient to your parents in all things, for this is well-pleasing to the Lord. Discuss with your parents the role of children in the family and how you can improve. And then, since the child will most certainly learn how little reason there was for this eternal distress, he is sure to be issued finally in a feeling of confirmed disrespect. (3) It promotes your daily improvement. Disobey, and your evil dispositions will become daily more tyrannical. WHY YOU SHOULD OBEY.1. They are only mocked and tantalized by their baptism itself. Cheerfully. (1) Be thoroughly sensible of the mischief of disobedience, and the benefit of obedience. he shouted to the child, but as to himself, he remained at his post. Disobedience is the essence of all sin.3. 18 Wives, be subject to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord. 19 Husbands, love your wives, and do not be embittered against them. BY AN OVER-EXACTING MANNER AND A DIFFICULTY IN BEING PLEASED. The child must be wisely trusted to danger, and shown how to conquer it.VII. THE DUTY OF THE PARENT TO THE CHILD IS TO RULE.1. (4) It makes others love you: but no one likes a disobedient child. (c)Depending on their counsels — as regards a calling in life, and marriage. Because it is your duty. To parents. They are not to irritate their children, but, by parity of reasoning, to so comport themselves in good government as to secure their children's honour. The reason for the duty: because it is well pleasing to the Lord. Not know ing which to choose he advertised again: "Wanted, to assist in a shop, a boy who obeys his mother." Submission to their just commands. The Bible uses the word peace to refer to wholeness, completeness, integration and harmony. [⇑ See verse text ⇑] This passage is a set of specific instructions to those living in Christian homes. Because it is your duty. What, then, is the woe put upon a hapless little one who is shut up day by day to the fearing look and deprecating whine, and supercautionary keeping of a nervously anxious mother. Wives, submit yourselves — Or be subject; to your own husbands — Whether they be Christians or heathen. But what can win a child to attempt to please God when His earthly representative is so difficult to please?IV. W. Noel, M. A.I. Children bring ____& heartache as we learn to love sacrificially, trust the Lord, and act more carefully, They are to ____________ and grow as part of the family, Obedience is the ____________that shapes behavior, character, and belief which leads to future freedom, A child’s first responsibility is to _________ his parents with a good attitude, Obedience to parents is the first step in learning obedience to ____, self control & consideration of others, _______________ is the foundational skill for all learning, Obedience combats selfishness and so lays the foundation for being ___________________ of others, When children disobey their parents, they also disobey __________, God is always to be obeyed __________ and foremost, but after Him, children are to obey their parents, Honoring Parents – Exodus 20:12; Ephesians 6:3-4, A general promise in that honoring your parents develops the skills that make you _____________in life. Without physical self-control you will never gain the skills needed to perform any kind of job. An excessive severity is as baneful as an excessive indulgence.2. Punishment is swift, The child’s main motivation is ___________. Foster.The commander of the Orient, before the Battle of the Nile, placed his son, Cassabianea, thirteen years of age, on certain duty, to stay at his post till relieved by his father's order. To rule wisely we must first learn to obey.2. (Richard Adams, A. M.)The duties of parents and childrenG. He had lain down, and the whole train passed over him without injury. That this is well pleasing to God is seen —, (1)From His commandment. More particular. (1) Reverence (Leviticus 19:3, 20; Hebrews 12:9). Only to be in a room with an anxious person is enough to make one positively unhappy. Nothing will so dreadfully overcast the sky of childhood as the weather this makes. Add to cart. What then does it mean to honor your parents? But what can win a child to attempt to please God when His earthly representative is so difficult to please?IV. Only two boys ventured to apply for the situation.(J. He is the only absolute lawgiver (James 4:12), and when parental claims conflict with His, we are absolved from our obedience. Disobey, and your evil dispositions will become daily more tyrannical. No plan could be devised for the discouragement of piety in children more certain in its object. He has placed before you the immortal minds of your children, more imperishable than the diamond, on which you are about to inscribe every day and every hour, by your instruction, by your spirit, or by your example, something that will remain and be exhibited for or against you at the judgment day!"Lessons:1. W. Noel, M. BY THE HOLDING ALOOF SYSTEM BY WHICH CHILDREN ARE DENIED A RECOGNITION OF THEIR CHURCH MEMBERSHIP. Thomas H. Benton was for many years a United States senator. The law commands: "Honour thy father," etc., and the most signal way is to obey. 22 Slaves, in all things obey those who are your masters on earth, not with external service, as those who [merely] please men,but with sincerity of heart, fearing the Lord. W. Noel, M. A.I. If a child is wholly perverse, it will not discourage him to tell him of it; but if he wants to be good, he should be shown how ready God is to help him and to forgive his faults.VIII. (5) When they chastise them beyond measure or desert (2 Samuel 7:14).2. (b)To their corrections.2. (1) Be thoroughly sensible of the mischief of disobedience, and the benefit of obedience. No plan could be devised for the discouragement of piety in children more certain in its object. He had lain down, and the whole train passed over him without injury. In the business world it is the fake friendliness of the salesman who is only after your money. )Safety of obedienceA pointsman in Prussia was at the junction of two lines of railway, his lever in hand for a train that was signalled. That resolution I have never broken. The child must be wisely trusted to danger, and shown how to conquer it. (1) God commands it, and He is so good that we ought to obey Him, and so great that He will not allow disobedience to go unpunished. What, then, is the woe put upon a hapless little one who is shut up day by day to the fearing look and deprecating whine, and supercautionary keeping of a nervously anxious mother. She asked me never to gamble, and I never learned to gamble. 2 Honor your father and mother (which is the first commandment with a promise), 3 that it may be well with you, and that you may live long on the earth. De W. Talmage, D. D.)Fathers, provoke not your children to wrath, lest they be discouraged.The treatment that discourages pietyH. 1) Continuation of ____________- Genesis 1:28. (2) Maintain your parental authority, and assert the dignity of your relation, yet with love and mildness. (1) Prayer for all necessary things, but more particularly that they may be God's children. THE DUTY OF THE PARENT TO THE CHILD IS TO RULE.1. It worries the child in every putting forth and play lest he should be hurt, and takes him away from every contact with the great world's occasions that would school him for manhood. All commandments, of course, in such a strain come to sound Very much alike, and as they are all equally annoying, the child learns to hate them all. 10/8/2000. Fathers provoke their children —(1) When they deny them a suitable maintenance (1 Timothy 8). (3) Perform all with sincerity and impartiality to both parents. Read: Jeremiah 29:4-14, Colossians 3:23. To parents. Whereupon he is reluctant to pray, as if the wrong were conclusive against him. Aggression is caused by spanking and is a reason that some people become serial killers – yet it is the children without discipline that are the most aggressive and studies of violent criminals keep showing a stronger link with a childhood that was without discipline rather than one having too much. (4) Submission. De W. Talmage, D. D.When I was a boy, and a little reckless, my mother used to say to me, "De Witt, you will be sorry for this when I am gone." (2) Education (Ephesians 6:4; Proverbs 22:6). Barlow. THE DUTY OF THE CHILD TO THE PARENT IS TO OBEY.1. (2) Good behaviour (Proverbs 20:7; Proverbs 3:22).2. Religiously. Nothing will so dreadfully overcast the sky of childhood as the weather this makes. (2) In things indifferent. Because it is your duty. W. Noel, M. Their role is to learn from both of you who God is, what He is like and how to have a personal relationship with Him. Loving care and nurture take a back seat to keeping family law. This obedience is qualified and limited by the Divine approval.II. Always. THE DUTY OF THE CHILD TO THE PARENT IS TO OBEY.1. Psalm 127:3-5, “Behold, children are a gift of the Lord; The fruit of the womb is a reward. "Despise not thy mother when she is old."(B. That resolution I have never broken. (1) It will secure for you God's blessing, whereas disobedience will bring down His curse. Bate.A tradesman advertised for a boy to assist in his shop, and go on errands. BY HASTY AND FALSE ACCUSATIONS. (Richard Adams, A. M.)The duties of parents and childrenG. Filial obedience should be prompt, cheerful, self-denying, uniform; not dilatory and reluctant.2. Only two boys ventured to apply for the situation.(J. Nor is the case improved when the child is cowed into fear of such a parent, and thus reduced to submission. BY HOLDING DISPLEASURE TOO LONG, AND YIELDING WITH TOO GREAT DIFFICULTY. 5. BY UNFEELING AND ABSOLUTE GOVERNMENT. I remember just how she sat with the Bible on her lap. Thomas H. Benton was for many years a United States senator. When Diane and I were first married we had another young couple over that gave no correction to their child that was running and jumping on our new furniture. Foster. I have been sorry for it ever since.(T. De W. Talmage, D. D.)Fathers, provoke not your children to wrath, lest they be discouraged.The treatment that discourages pietyH. What are some of the signs of a home that is too strict? (b)To their corrections.2. THE OFFICE OF PARENTS. I made a resolution of total abstinence. The train passed safely on its way. Foster. But some parents appear to think it a matter of faithfulness to be not easily pleased, lest the children should have loose impressions of duty. (1) It will secure for you God's blessing, whereas disobedience will bring down His curse. I remember just how she looked, with her cap and spectacles. Always. I remember just how she looked, with her cap and spectacles. 20 Children, be obedient to your parents in all things, for this is well-pleasing to the Lord. THE OFFICE OF PARENTS. BY KEEPING CHILDREN IN A CONTINUAL TORMENT OF SUPPRESSION. Bushnell, D. D.)LinksColossians 3:20 NIVColossians 3:20 NLTColossians 3:20 ESVColossians 3:20 NASBColossians 3:20 KJVColossians 3:20 Bible AppsColossians 3:20 ParallelColossians 3:20 Biblia ParalelaColossians 3:20 Chinese BibleColossians 3:20 French BibleColossians 3:20 German BibleColossians 3:20 CommentariesBible Hub, (3)The punishments threatened (Deuteronomy 21:18; Exodus 21:17:Leviticus 20:9; Proverbs 20:20; Proverbs 30:17). De W. Talmage, D. D.When I was a boy, and a little reckless, my mother used to say to me, "De Witt, you will be sorry for this when I am gone." HOW YOU SHOULD OBEY.1. (4) Set about your filial duties willingly and readily. His wants are his needs,” which has resulted in the baby becoming the center of the family, for everything focuses on meeting the baby’s desires. 1. Bushnell, D. D.— Discouraged, Paul means, in good. WHY YOU SHOULD OBEY.1. Jesus said He would build His church. If a child is wholly perverse, it will not discourage him to tell him of it; but if he wants to be good, he should be shown how ready God is to help him and to forgive his faults.VIII. Children are discouraged and hardened to good —I. Honoring them will a difficult duty instead of a joyful devotion. Nor is the case improved when the child is cowed into fear of such a parent, and thus reduced to submission. To rule in a spirit of exasperating severity tends only to dishearten. Coleridge has said: "If you bring up your children in a way which puts them out of sympathy with the religious feelings of the nation in which they live, the chances are that they will ultimately turn out ruffians or fanatics, and one as likely as the other." II. De W. Talmage, D. D.)Fathers, provoke not your children to wrath, lest they be discouraged.The treatment that discourages pietyH. His language is addressed to fathers, for he seems to have had in view the case of advanced children; and yet the language is equally applicable to the case of mothers and very little children. Add to cart. WHY YOU SHOULD OBEY.1. (If you would like to receive Pastor Harris’ weekly sermons via e-mail, Click Here), (If you would like to download the PowerPoint presentation for this sermon, Click here). (Colossians 3:20) The word "obey" comes from Greek words which mean "to hear under someone." THE MEANS OF MANAGING THE DUTIES OF BOTH RELATIONS. (2) It will make you cheerful and happy in your minds, whereas disobedience makes you sullen and disagreeable to yourselves as well as others. It is only a recognition that God has given her different gifts, abilities and responsibilities. Foster.The commander of the Orient, before the Battle of the Nile, placed his son, Cassabianea, thirteen years of age, on certain duty, to stay at his post till relieved by his father's order. THE OFFICE OF PARENTS. (1) God commands it, and He is so good that we ought to obey Him, and so great that He will not allow disobedience to go unpunished. Instantly, without waiting to ask the reason, or promising to obey at some future time.5. (Richard Adams, A. M.)The duties of parents and childrenG. BY TOO MUCH PROHIBITION. To batter self-respect is the surest way to break every natural charm of virtue and religion. (2) Your parents command it, to whom you owe your all of earthly happiness.2. "Real Life in Christ," Rev. In general, the natural consequence of honoring your parents and the skills learned from doing so lead to a good life, and a good life is also generally a long life. BY UNFEELING AND ABSOLUTE GOVERNMENT. BY HOLDING DISPLEASURE TOO LONG, AND YIELDING WITH TOO GREAT DIFFICULTY. 2. He is the only absolute lawgiver (James 4:12), and when parental claims conflict with His, we are absolved from our obedience. The reason for the duty: because it is well pleasing to the Lord. A Summons To Prayer - Colossians 4:2-4. Completely. We have no right to be anxious anywhere; it is unbelief which trust in God should set at rest. (3) Some get hardened, and fall by degrees into desperate impiety.(J. Your role is to teach and their role is to learn and learning begins with obedience. (3) Disposal into some fit employment and marriage.III. (b)With respect to their claims when in indigence, in infirmity, or dead. When making a speech in New York once, he turned to the ladies present, and spoke about his mother in this way" "My mother asked me never to use tobacco, and I have never touched it from that day to this. The effect is scarcely better where acknowledged faults are exaggerated and set off by colours of derision. This note will be displayed at bottom of your sermon note when you save to pdf or email them.