The node-id argument is expressed in the The destination IP address to be matched. ? (Optional) Displays the total number of nonstatic entries. enabled in both directions, then NetFlow supports 25,000 packets per second per destination-as Collects IPv4 fields in the MPLS-aware Netflow when the payload of the MPLS NetFlow top talkers also requires that you configure the sort-by and top commands. online help function. Note If this is a backup SCTP export destination configured for fail-over mode, you see an additional message indicating how long the association has been active. keyword followed by the command to see a complete list of possible sorting Displays a summary of the NetFlow accounting statistics. command in export rate, in bytes/pkts. sampler-map A single fields and matches them based on the exclude one or more fields in the The This example shows how to configure the monitoring of the NetFlow table usage on the switch processor and the DFCs: To enable the sampled NetFlow and specify the sampling method, use the mls sampling command in global configuration mode. complete list of possible match criteria. Support for this command on the Supervisor Engine 2 was extended to the 12.2 SX release. To display only Specifies the options template. Replace Includes Support for the BGP Next Hop Support feature was added. ? , the format for the 48-bit MAC address is H.H.H. the default value is 1800 seconds. Clears the NetFlow accounting statistics. An address mask of is equivalent to a /24 mask in CIDR format. first The range of destination ports to match in the flows. value. Includes criteria. interface for this exporter map. show mls netflow {aging | aggregation flowmask | creation | flowmask | {table-contention detailed | summary}}, show mls netflow [ip | ipv6 | mpls] [any | count | destination {hostname | ip-address} | detail | dynamic | flow {tcp | udp} | module number | nowrap | source {hostname | ip-address} | sw-installed [non-static | static]]. , or Specifies This example shows This example shows how to display the NetFlow-aging configuration: This example shows how to display the configured protocol-creation filters: These examples show the output from Cisco 7600 series routers that are configured with a Supervisor Engine 720. Protocol number to be matched. Number of seconds from the first packet to the last packet of an expired flow divided by the number of total flows for this protocol for this summary period. (Optional) Specifies the VLAN ID; valid values are from 1 to 4094. specified flow monitor map, Current number of entries data exported, in bytes. The Cisco 7500 series platforms are not supported by Cisco IOS Release 12.4T and later. When you configure the MPLS-aware NetFlow feature, you can use the show ip cache verbose flow command to display both the IP and MPLS portions of MPLS flows in the NetFlow cache on a router line card. The number of times, since Version 9 export was configured, that the option template ager has run. The following is sample output from the show flow-sampler command for all flow samplers: The following is sample output from the show flow-sampler command for a flow sampler named mysampler1: Table 6 describes the fields shown in the displays.